Sample MoU for ending Matrimonial Litigation
1) Mrs. 498a d/o such and such r/o such and such and/or her family members shall have no claim in the present and future on the whole of or on any portion of any assets or income of her husband Mr. so and so s/o so and so r/o such and such and/or his family.
2) Mrs. 498a d/o such and such r/o such and such shall give in writing to her husband Mr. so and so s/o so and so r/o such and such or his representative a receipt indicating her acceptance of every respective instalment of the full and final settlement of XYZ Lakhs of Rupees (Rupees XYZ,00,000/=) as and when the payments are made.
3) The payment of XYZ Lakhs of Rupees (Rupees XYZ,00,000/=) is a full and final settlement between Mr. so and so s/o so and so r/o such and such and Mrs. 498a d/o such and such r/o such and such. Mrs. 498a d/o such and such r/o such and such and/or her family members will have no claims on any payment from her husband Mr. so and so s/o so and so r/o such and such and/or his family members after the payment of this full and final settlement.
4) Payment shall be made and accepted in three instalments of ABC rupees, DEF rupees, and GHI rupees respectively. First instalment shall be paid and accepted on signing of Memorandum of Understanding. Second instalment shall be paid and accepted on first motion of mutual consent divorce. Third instalment shall be paid and accepted on second motion of mutual consent divorce. Payment shall be done by Mr. so and so s/o so and so r/o such and such or his representative. Acceptance of payment shall be done by Mrs. 498a d/o such and such r/o such and such.
5) All litigations and complaints initiated by Mrs. 498a d/o such and such r/o such and such and her husband Mr. so and so s/o so and so r/o such and such or their respective family members against the other party and/or their family members shall be withdrawn, and no litigation or complaints will be revived, initiated or inspired by Mrs. 498a d/o such and such r/o such and such and her husband Mr. so and so s/o so and so r/o such and such or their families in future against the other party and/or their family members.
6) Mrs. 498a d/o such and such r/o such and such and her husband Mr. so and so s/o so and so r/o such and such will cooperate in letting the other party withdraw their litigation and complaints.
7) Mrs. 498a d/o such and such r/o such and such and her husband Mr. so and so s/o so and so r/o such and such shall disengage completely from the life of the other party, and will not indulge in any act of omission or commission in the future which would tantamount to interfering in the other party's life.
8) Mrs. 498a d/o such and such r/o such and such and her husband Mr. so and so s/o so and so r/o such and such are bound by this memorandum of understanding to cooperate and work towards getting mutual consent divorce as soon as legally possible.
You may also wish to see Another Sample MoU for ending Matrimonial Litigation
Written by
Manish Udar
Published by
Manish Udar
Page created on
16th September 2013
Last updated on
16th September 2013