RTI Application for Copy of Additional Complaint(s)
Provide Information within 48 hours as per Section 7 of RTI Act
Subject - Application for seeking information under section 6(1)/7(1)/7(5) etc. of the Right to Information Act, 2005
The Public Information Officer (PIO),ID No. (For official use)
Nanak Pura
a. Name of Applicant : xxxxxx xxxx
b. Address : House number 0123456, ABCD Colony, New Delhi - 1100xx
c. Concerned Department : SPUWAC, Nanak Pura
Background: One or more documents that fit the following description-
1) Additional complaints,
2) additional allegations of crimes and/or atrocities alleged to have been committed by me and/or my parents,
3) applications demanding initiation of criminal proceedings against me and/or my parents, have been submitted by my wife Mrs. 498a at your office, AFTER her original complaint against me and my parents.
Following information is required:-
1. Copies of any documents that fit the description in the "Background" above.
2. A fee of Rs. 10/- is being paid
Dated: xx/yy/20zz
(xxxxxx xxxx) Applicant
You may also wish to read RTI Application for Copy of Original Complaint u/s 498a/406/34 and/or RTI Application for Copies of Receipts and Bills.
Written by
Manish Udar
Published by
Manish Udar
Page created on
21st September 2013
Last updated on
21st September 2013