RTI Application for Copies of Stridhan and Wedding Expenditure Receipts and Bills

Provide Information within 48 hours as per Section 7 of RTI Act

Subject - Application for seeking information under section 6(1) /7(1) /7(5) etc. of the Right to Information Act, 2005

The Public Information Officer (PIO),ID No.             (For official use)
Nanak Pura

a. Name of Applicant : xxxxxx xxxx
b. Address : House number 0123456, ABCD colony, New Delhi - 1100xx
c. Concerned Department : SPUWAC, Nanak Pura

Background: Complaint has been filed by my wife Mrs. 498a against me and my parents seeking criminal proceedings against us. The matter is being dealt by Inspector xxxxxxxxx xxxx. Certain (copies or originals of) receipts and bills have been submitted by Mrs. 498a in this regard.

Following information is required:-
1. Please provide either copies or details of (copies or originals of) receipts and bills etc. submitted by Mrs. 498a, with respect to the expenditure claimed to have been incurred by her and her natal family under various heads like jewellery, hosting of ring ceremony / engagement, hosting of wedding, and any other expenditure claim.
2. Please provide all details that have been mentioned in the said (copies or originals of) bills and receipts etc.
3. I state that the information sought does not fall within the restrictions contained in the Act and to the best of my knowledge it pertains to your office and please give the information in typed form.
4. A fee of Rs. 10/- is being paid

Dated: xx/yy/20zz

(xxxxxx xxxx) Applicant

You may also wish to read RTI Application for Copy of Original Complaint u/s 498a/406/34 and/or RTI Application for Copies of Additional Complaints.

Written by
Published by Manish Udar

Page created on
Last updated on 21st September 2013
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