A Typical Stridhan List submitted at CAW Cell by a Wife
You will note that the list of items is very long and unrealistic. You are not the only one who notices this fact.
Text of the list follows:
List of expenditure, and gifts and jewellery given to victim and his family as per their demands:
1) Gold ring worth 70,000 rupees given on engagement to victim's elder uncle
2) Gold ring worth 70,000 rupees given on engagement to victim's younger uncle
3) Gold ring worth 70,000 rupees given on engagement to victim's elder maternal uncle
4) Gold ring worth 70,000 rupees given on engagement to victim's younger maternal uncle
5) Gold ring worth 70,000 rupees given on engagement to victim's elder aunt
6) Gold ring worth 70,000 rupees given on engagement to victim's younger aunt
7) Gold ring worth 70,000 rupees given on engagement to victim's elder maternal aunt
8) Gold ring worth 70,000 rupees given on engagement to victim's younger maternal aunt
9) Double bed worth 90,000 rupees given on wedding to victim's family
10) Almirah worth 15,000 rupees given on wedding to victim's family
11) Platinum Pajeb worth 40,000 rupees gifted to victim's niece on engagement
12) Catering for 500 persons costing 20 lakh rupees in engagement
13) Catering for 2000 persons costing 95 lakh rupees in wedding
14) Venue rental and decoration costing 38 lakh rupees in engagement
15) Venue rental and decoration costing 67 lakh rupees in wedding
16) Rhodium polished diamond ring worth 10 lakhs given to victim on engagement
17) Gift packs worth 9999 rupees each given to 500 guests on engagement. Total amount was 50 lakh rupees.
List of jewellery and other items gifted to Mrs. 498a by her parents as per demands of victim and his family, which are still in the possession of victim's mother
1) Emerald ring worth 4 lakh rupees
2) 12 jewellery sets worth total of 1 crore and 60 lakh rupees
3) Clothes and assorted items worth 90 lakh rupees
4) Assorted bangles worth 90 lakh rupees
List of jewellery and other items gifted by victim and his parents to Mrs. 498a which are still in the possession of victim's mother
1) Gold bangles (8 nos.) worth 4 lakh rupees
2) 3 gold sets worth 2 lakhs, 3 lakhs, and 4 lakhs respectively
3) Diamond ring worth 2 lakh rupees
4) 5 pairs of earrings
You may also wish to read Example of a Tricky Stridhan List Submitted to CAW Cell and/or Typical FIR u/s 498a/406/34 (Part 1) and/or Typical FIR u/s 498a/406/34 (Part 2).
Written by
Manish Udar
Published by
Manish Udar
Page created on
12th October 2013
Last updated on
12th October 2013